Review Article

Prevention and Management of Complications in Laparoscopic Myomectomy

Table 1

Comparison of hysterotomy scar hematoma after laparoscopic myomectomy.

StudyPatientsMyoma numberMyoma mean size cmOperation average time minBlood lossBlood transfusionUS Hysterotomy scar hematoma

Sinha et al., 2003 [14]5178>9137323 ml1 (1.3%)1 (1.3%)
Altgassen et al., 2006 [4]3516545.3113ND1(29.2%)
Sizzi et al., 2007 [11]2050ND6.4ND14 (0.68%) hemorrhage3 (0.14%)10 (0.48%)
Sinha et al., 2008 [12]5059125.96090 mlNDND
Mettler et al., 2012 [10]3354804–990157 ml021 (6.2%)

Note. ND: no data.