Research Article

Polymorphisms in the Chicken Growth Differentiation Factor 9 Gene Associated with Reproductive Traits

Table 7

Association analysis between GDF9 g.17156703A>C genotypes and reproductive traits.

AFE (days)BWFE (g)WFE (g)BWTA (g)EWTA (g)EN (count)



G x B

AFE = age at first egg, BWFE = body weight at first egg, WFE = weight of first egg, BWTA = body weight at 300 days of age, EWTA = egg weight at 300 days of age, and EN = total number of eggs at 300 days of age. LH means Luhua chickens (N = 232), and DX means Dongxiang blue-shelled chickens (N = 279).
Results are expressed as least square means ± standard errors.
Different letters indicate significant differences (P < 0.05).