Research Article

Evaluating Vitamin D Status in Pre- and Postmenopausal Type 2 Diabetics and Its Association with Glucose Homeostasis

Table 2

Anthropometric and hemodynamic characteristics of study participants.

VariablesTotal ()Premenopausal ()Postmenopausal () value

BMI categories
 Underweight4 (2.1)0 (0.0)4 (4.2)0.1991
 Healthy51 (26.6)28 (28.6)23 (24.5)
 Overweight70 (36.5)37 (37.8)33 (35.1)
 Obese67 (34.8)33 (33.7)34 (36.2)
WHR categories
 Healthy5 (2.6)3 (3.1)2 (2.1)0.8709
 Overweight15 (7.8)7 (7.1)8 (8.5)
 Obese172 (89.6)88 (89.8)84 (89.4)
WHtR categories
 Healthy7 (3.6)3 (3.1)4 (4.3)0.7688
 Overweight20 (10.4)12 (12.2)8 (8.5)
 Very overweight37 (19.3)20 (20.4)17 (18.1)
 Obese128 (66.7)63 (64.3)65 (69.1)
HTN categories
 Normotension45 (23.4)31 (31.6)14 (14.9)0.0374
 Pre-HTN67 (34.9)32 (32.7)35 (37.2)
 Stage 153 (27.6)25 (25.5)28 (29.8)
 Stage 227 (14.1)10 (10.2)17 (18.1)

Chi square analysis was performed to compare categorical variables among pre- and postmenopausal T2DM women. Values are presented as mean ± SD. was considered statistically significant ( values of significant variables are in bold print). : Chi square; df: degree of freedom; BMI: body mass index; WHR: waist to hip ratio; WHtR: waist to height ratio; HTN: hypertension; Normotension: systolic pressure (<120 mmHg); Pre-HTN: systolic pressure (120–139 mmHg); Stage 1: systolic pressure (140–159 mmHg); Stage 2: systolic pressure (>160 mmHg).