Clinical Study

Comparative Histological and Histomorphometric Results of Six Biomaterials Used in Two-Stage Maxillary Sinus Augmentation Model after 6-Month Healing

Table 2

Histomorphometric results of bone biopsies retrieved from sinuses augmented.

MCBA (%)FDBA (%)ABB (%)EB (%)HA-β-TCP 30/70 (%)BC (%)

Newly formed bone20.
Marrow spaces57.547.846.747.141.853.3
Residual graft material22.420.

MCBA: mineralized solvent-dehydrated bone
FDBA: freeze-dried mineralized bone allograft
ABB: anorganic bovine bone
EB: equine-derived bone
HA-β-TCP 30/70: synthetic micro-macroporous biphasic calcium-phosphate
BC: Bioapatite-collagen.