Research Article

Towards 90-90-90 Target: Factors Influencing Availability, Access, and Utilization of HIV Services—A Qualitative Study in 19 Ugandan Districts

Table 2

Section of the questions, meaning unit, condensed meaning unit, codes, and themes from qualitative survey among respondents in 19 districts in Uganda.

QuestionsMeaning unitCondensed meaning unitCodesCategory/Theme

Are services for HIV testing, treatment, monitoring available when one needs themIf you start medication and then fail to keep taking because of drug shortages, it shortens your lifespan. So it is better not to start at all(i) If you start medicines, you can’t stop
(ii) Drug shortages occur
(iii) You can die if you stop medicines
(i) Drug shortages
(ii) Continuous medication
(iii) Fear to start ART
Availability of HIV services

Would every patient be able to get the same service at the HIV clinic?For the CD4 count machine, every patient pays 10,000/= and those who can’t afford, do without because as a district, we don’t have a CD4 count machine(i) Patients pay for CD4 count testing
(ii) District lacks testing equipment
(i) High cost of testing
(ii) Lack of equipment
(iii) Equipment break down
Accessibility of HIV services

Why do some clients not take advantage of the available services such as HIV testing?I think the main reason for not wanting to test for HIV or to start treatment is that the people do not want others to know that they are HIV positive(i) Some clients do not want to test for HIV
(ii) Fear to start treatment
(iii) Clients do not want their HIV serostatus known
(i) Stigma
(ii) Fear to disclose serostatus
Utilization of HIV services