Clinical Study

Risk Factors of Vulvovaginal Candidiasis among Women of Reproductive Age in Xi’an: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 3

Multivariate logistic regression analysis of risk factors for VVC among women of reproductive age.

Clinical parametersβSEWaldPOR95% CI

 <40 y
 ≥40 y-1.2630.6913.3470.0670.2830.073-1.094
Doing regular exercise
 Occasionally or never
Sedentary life
 Yes2.0640.7487.6150.006 7.8761.818-34.109
Daily emotional state
 Negative emotions (nervousness, anxiety, etc.)
Frequency of drinking sweet drinks
 Occasionally or never-1.8270.53811.5280.001 0.1610.056-0.462
Frequency of eating sweet foods
 Occasionally or never-1.8480.54611.4420.001 0.1580.054-0.460
Usage of pad during non- menstruation
Frequency of wearing tights
 Occasionally or never
 Frequently1.8190.7685.6120.018 6.6131.369-27.751
Frequency of intravaginal douching
 Occasionally or never
 Frequently1.2510.4746.9570.008 3.4931.379-8.847
Age at first sexual intercourse
 <20 y
 ≤20 y2.5150.9087.6710.006 2.3641.181-7.758
Contraceptive methods
 Others (ligation, IUD, and so on)
 Condom2.6760.81810.7030.001 0.2650.243-0.526
Number of sexual partners
 ≥21.8270.5764.1280.042 3.2221.042-9.960
History of curettage
 Yes1.2450.4946.3360.012 3.4711.317-9.148
History of vaginitis
Cleaning the vulva before or after sexual life
 No2.6160.80210.6470.001 13.6842.843-65.874

IUD: intrauterine device; y: year; OR: odds ratios; CI: confidence interval.