Research Article

Autophagy Is Independent of the Chondroprotection Induced by Platelet-Rich Plasma Releasate

Figure 1

Analysis of components and cytokines in the whole blood, P-PRP, and L-PRP. Platelet and leukocyte concentrations were measured using an automated hematology analyzer; growth factors were measured by ELISA. Platelet (a), PDGF-AB (c), and TGF-β1 (D) concentrations in L-PRP and P-PRP were comparable, but significantly higher than those in WB; leukocyte (b), IL-1β (e), and TNF-α (f) concentrations in P-PRP were significantly lower than those in WB and L-PRP. The platelet count was positively correlated with the PDGF-AB (g) and TGF-β1 (h) levels in P-PRP; the leukocyte concentration was positively correlated with the IL-1β (i) and TNF-α (j) concentrations. ELISA, enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. represents significant difference versus WB; # represents significant difference versus P-PRP.