Research Article

Lifetime Traumatic Experiences and Disordered Eating among University Students: The Role of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms

Table 2

Pearson correlations among study variables.

Mean (SD)12345678910

(1) Sex1
(2) EAT-2636.47 (17.09).21
(3) PTSS22.63 (18.25).1.31
(4) Trauma index2.05 (2.33).2.2.31
(5) Dieting19.96 (11.20).
(6) Bulimia6.74 (4.79).
(7) Oral control9.77 (5.13).
(8) Intrusion7.71 (6.92).
(9) Avoidance9.46 (7.51).
(10) Hyperarousal5.45 (5.21).

Note.; ; EAT-26: Eating Attitudes Test-26; PTSS: posttraumatic stress symptoms; sex was included as dummy variable.