Research Article

Gene Variant in the NF-κB Pathway Inhibitor NFKBIA Distinguishes Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis within the Spectrum of Psoriatic Disease

Table 2

Genotype and allele frequencies in different psoriatic disease groups and controls.

Controls, N = 550Total PD, N = 690PsA, N = 187PCP, N = 309 value, OR (95% CI)

NFKB1 rs230526 A/GAA vs. AG + GG
AA77 (0.14)108 (0.16)30 (0.16)42 (0.14)
AG264 (0.48)359 (0.52)95 (0.51)164 (0.53)OR = 1.21
GG209 (0.38)223 (0.32)62 (0.33)103 (0.33)0.73–2.02

NFKBIA rs7152376 T/CCC + CT vs. TT
TT231 (0.42)291 (0.42)64 (0.34)147 (0.48)
TC242 (0.44)314 (0.46)89 (0.48)133 (0.43)OR = 1.74
CC77 (0.14)85 (0.12)34 (0.18)29 (0.09)1.20–2.54

NFKBIZ rs3217713 indelDel/Del vs. Ins/Ins + Ins/Del
INS/INS336 (0.61)451 (0.65)124 (0.66)210 (0.68)
INS/DEL193 (80.35)207 (0.30)51 (0.27)90 (0.29)OR = 2.29
DEL/DEL21 (0.04)32 (0.05)12 (0.06)9 (0.03)0.94–5.53

and OR values correspond to the putative PsA risk vs. non‐risk genotypes. PD: psoriatic disease; PsA: psoriatic arthritis; PCP: pure cutaneous psoriasis (absence of arthritis after 10 or more years of psoriasis onset); OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval.