Research Article

Extraction and Characterization of Inulin-Type Fructans from Artichoke Wastes and Their Effect on the Growth of Intestinal Bacteria Associated with Health

Table 4

Sugar composition of the artichoke precipitated waste residue prepared with the two different methods described in the texta. 1 and 2 are the two methods as follows: (1) a maceration step for 2 h at 70°C; (2) a maceration step at room temperature for 2 h after heating the sample at 70°C the sample for 10’. For both the methods the samples were filtered and submitted to precipitation with 2 volume of ethanol and after centrifugation were dried in oven at 70°C.

Artichoke partsReducing sugars content (g/100 g of dry material)Inulin content (g/100 g of dry material)

Bract.14.369 ± 0.02458.26 ± 5.46
Stem.16.161 ± 0.36385.87 ± 0.19
Bract.25.469 ± 0.08627.46 ± 3.79
Stem.26.285 ± 0.08354.16 ± 1.98

aThe weights are referred to 100 g of precipitate.