Research Article

Intermittent Hypoxic Training at Lactate Threshold Intensity Improves Aiming Performance in Well-Trained Biathletes with Little Change of Cardiovascular Variables

Table 2

Variables indicating aim-point fluctuation.


RT9 (%)Percent of retention time in the area of 9.0 during 20 s aiming test. Greater RT9 values indicate better steadiness of aiming.

LHTT (mm)Length of the horizontal tracking trace.
Smaller LHTT values indicate decrease in aim-point fluctuation in the X (horizontal) axis.

LVTT (mm)Length of the vertical tracking trace.
Smaller LVTT values indicate decrease in aim-point fluctuation in the Z (vertical) axis.

MTTS (mm/s)Maximum target tracking speed.
Smaller MTTS values indicate decrease in aim-point fluctuation.