Research Article

Detrusorrhaphy during Robot-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy: Early Recovery of Urinary Continence and Surgical Technique

Table 3

Continence data at various follow-up points in group 1 (detrusorrhaphy) and group 2 (no detrusorrhaphy).

TimePatients achieving continence, n (%)p value
ā€‰Group 1 (n=50)Group 2 (n=45)ā€‰

0 day34 (68.0%)0 (0%)< 0.001
1 week39 (78.0%)8 (17.8%)< 0.001
4 weeks43 (86.0%)29(64.4%)< 0.001
8-12 weeks46 (92.0%)33 (73.3%)0.043
6 months50 (100%)41 (91.1%)0.089
12 months50 (100%)43 (95.6%)0.115

significant at p < 0.05