Research Article

Mothers’ and Caregivers’ Knowledge and Experience of Neonatal Danger Signs: A Cross-Sectional Survey in Saudi Arabia

Table 3

Participants' experience of the neonatal danger signs.

Danger SignsFrequency (%)95% CI

Not feeding since birth or stopped feeding352 (24.7)22.4-26.9
Convulsion93 (6.5)5.2-7.8
Fast breathing54 (3.8)2.8-4.8
Severe chest indrawing59 (4.1)3.1-5.2
Fever ≥ 37.5°C266 (18.6)16.6-20.6
Hypothermia ≤ 35.5°C15 (1.1)0.5-1.6
Weakness or lethargy59 (4.1)3.1-5.2
Yellow soles387 (27.1)24.8-29.4
Sign of local infection275 (19.3)17.2-21.3
Experience of at least one of the above danger signs982 (68.8)66.3-71.2