Research Article

Evaluation of Drug Susceptibility of Microorganisms in Odontogenic Inflammations and Dental Surgery Procedures Performed on an Outpatient Basis

Table 5

Comparison of the percentage of individual groups of bacteria to the occurrence of complications in the postoperative period.

BacteriaTotal number of patients (n = 52)Postoperative complications
Not present (n = 45)Present (n = 7)

Gram-positive anaerobic48.97% (25/52)46.67% (21/45)57.14% (4/7)0.9128
Gram-negative anaerobic3.85% (2/52)4.44% (2/45)0.00% (0/7)0.6259
Gram-positive aerobic11.54% (6/52)13.33% (6/45)0.00% (0/7)0.6956
Gram-negative aerobic28.85% (15/52)22.22% (10/45)71.43% (5/7)0.0261
Gram-positive anaerobic vs. Gram-negative anaerobic, <0.00010.0350
Gram-positive aerobic vs. Gram-negative aerobic, 0.27280.0105
Gram-positive anaerobic vs. Gram-positive aerobic, 0.00060.0350
Gram-negative anaerobic vs. Gram-negative aerobic, 0.01360.0105