Research Article

The Influence of Oxidative Stress and Natural Antioxidants on Morphometric Parameters of Red Blood Cells, the Hemoglobin Oxygen Binding Capacity, and the Activity of Antioxidant Enzymes

Figure 7

Ratio of the Raman spectrum characteristic bands of Hb in erythrocytes when exposed to AOs under standard conditions. is p≤0.05. (1) I1375/(I1355+I1375) – the relative amount of HbO2 in the blood; (2) I1355/I1550 – the ability of the total Hb in the sample to bind ligands; (3) I1375/I1580 – the ability of Hb to isolate ligands; (4) (I1355/I1550)/(I1375/I1580) – the affinity of Hb to ligands, primarily to O2; (5) I1375/I1172 – the severity of symmetric and asymmetric fluctuations and alterations of pyrrole rings.