Research Article

Factors Associated with RANTES Concentration in Cardiovascular Disease Patients

Table 4

RANTES and CCL2 concentration in AMI group based on median value of age, MPV, chemokines, and hsCRP concentration.

AGE [years]
67 67P-value

RANTES [pg/mL]4343 (1993-6293)5565 (3536-8515)0.048
CCL2 [pg/mL]180 (169-226)180 (165-246)NS

hsCRP [mg/L]
7.4 7.4

RANTES [pg/mL]4157 (2214-6181)6063 (3487-8390)0.048
CCL2 [pg/mL]192 (173-225)173 (163-202)NS

MPV [fL]
10.7 10.7

RANTES [pg/mL]5369 (1993-7470)4551 (2753-6952)NS
CCL2 [pg/mL]190 (172-258)171 (157-203)NS

CCL2 [pg/mL]
180 180

RANTES [pg/mL]3617 (1633-6135)6063 (2199-9054)NS

RANTES [pg/mL]
4800 4800 [pg/mL]

CCL2 [pg/mL]173 (164-200)198 (174-256)0.036

CCL2: Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 1, hsCRP: high sensitivity C-reactive protein, MPV: mean platelet volume, NS: not statistically significant, RANTES: Regulated upon Activation, Normal T cell Expressed and presumably Secreted.