Review Article

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy for Achilles Tendinopathy

Table 1

Scientific publications extracted from the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) that had been rated with the PEDro scale.

ReferenceEligibility criteria specifiedSubjects randomly allocated to groupsAllocation concealedGroups similar at baselineBlinding of all subjectsBlinding of all therapistsBlinding assessors>85% follow-upIntention-to-treat analysisBetween-group statistical comparisonPoint and variability measuresScore

Rompe et al. [6]+++++++++8
Vahdatpour et al. [17]+++++++++8
Njawaya et al. [18]++++++5
Notarnicola et al. [19]+++++4
Rompe et al. [20]+++++++++8
Rasmussen et al. [21]++++++++++9
Rompe et al. [22]+++++++++8
Costa et al. [23]+++++-++6

Eligibility criteria item is not included in PEDro score calculations.