Clinical Study

Amplatz versus Balloon for Tract Dilation in Ultrasonographically Guided Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Table 4

Complications of UPCN using Amplatz or balloon according to the Clavien-Dindo grading system.

ComplicationsAmplatz (n=33)Balloon (n=33)P

0 (no complication)22(66.7)22(66.7)1
I (deviation from normal postop)
Fever more than 38.5°C7(21.2)6(18.2)0.75
Transient Cr rise 1(3.0)00.31
II (drugs other than grade I)
Transfusion 5(15.2)4(12.1)0.72
Urine leakageb00NA
Urinary tract Infection1(3.0)00.31
IIIa (requiring local anesthesia)
Double-J insertion1(3.0)00.31

a: patients with more than one complication are reported separately in each subgroup.
b: urine leakage more than 48 hours after removing the nephrostomy tube.
Data presented as frequency (column %) or mean ± SD.
NA=not applicable.