Research Article

Age-Specific Cut-off Values of Amino Acids and Acylcarnitines for Diagnosis of Inborn Errors of Metabolism Using Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry

Table 2

Abnormal blood concentrations of metabolites and marker ratios together with clinical manifestations of the patients with suspected IEMs, as screened by LC-MS/MS.

Name of disordersTotal no. of positive cases (frequency among detected cases)Case IDAge at diagnosisMetabolites or marker ratiosConcentrations of metabolites (mol/L) or marker ratiosCut-offs  
Major clinical complications

PKU3 (33.3%)Case 11.1 yearsPhe180.12> 88.12Lethargy, irritation, seizure and developmental delay
Phe/tyr5.97> 5.11
Case 21.0 yearPhe282.45> 88.12
Phe/tyr6.30> 5.11
Case 310.0 yearsPhe1170.32> 82.08
Phe/tyr46.58> 8.03

CIT-II1 (11.1%)Case 410.0 yearsCit1494.66> 39.74Irritability, restlessness and excessive crying followed by unconsciousness
Cit/Phe26.68> 0.80

MMA1 (11.1%)Case 51.0 yearC35.39> 2.69Developmental delay, seizure and low muscle tone
C3/C20.29> 0.15

IVA1 (11.1%)Case 61.9 yearsC513.80> 0.26Recurrent infection and developmental delay
C5/C325.07> 0.16

CUD1 (11.1%)Case 72.0 yearsC06.13< 12.34Lethargy, restless, poor feeding, seizure, vomiting, developmental delay, speech problem and inability of walking
C26.47< 8.71

MCAD2 (22.2%)Case 810.0 yearsC60.62> 0.12Restlessness, irritability, abnormal behavior, speech problem and mental retardation
C81.90> 0.30
C102.90> 0.58
C10:11.14> 0.21
C10:20.04> 0.08
C8/C100.65> 2.45
C8/C20.16> 0.02
Case 98.5 yearsC60.23> 0.12
C81.15> 0.30
C101.88> 0.58
C10:10.66> 0.21
C10:20.03> 0.08
C8/C100.61> 2.45
C8/C20.09> 0.02

PKU, phenylketonuria; CIT-II, citrullinemia type II; MMA, methylmalonic acidemia; IVA, isovaleric acidemia; CUD, carnitine uptake defect; and MCAD, medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency.