Research Article

Isolation and Characterization of Antagonistic Bacteria Paenibacillus jamilae HS-26 and Their Effects on Plant Growth

Figure 4

Inhibitory activities of the identified volatile organic compounds (VOCs) against plant pathogens. The diameter of the pathogen colony (a) and percent of growth inhibition (b) of F. oxysporum, B. ribis, B. sorokiniana, B. dothidea, Alternaria (Nees), and R. solani exposed to different concentrations of 2-methyl-1-butanol. The diameter of the pathogen colony (c) and percent of inhibition (d) of these plant pathogens exposed to different concentrations of N, N-diethyl-1, 4-phenylenediamine. Bars indicate standard errors (n = 3). Different letters above columns indicate significantly different results (P < 0.05, Student’s t-test).