Research Article

Naringin Reverses High-Cholesterol Diet-Induced Vascular Dysfunction and Oxidative Stress in Rats via Regulating LOX-1 and NADPH Oxidase Subunit Expression

Table 1

The parameters at the end of the experiment of control and hypercholesterolaemic rats with or without naringin treatment.


Initial body weight (g)195 ± 2196 ± 7195 ± 10218 ± 1
Final body weight (g)432 ± 5479 ± 4428 ± 9##424 ± 12##
Serum TC (mg/dl)67 ± 5346 ± 17164 ± 14,##67 ± 1##
Serum TG (mg/dl)39 ± 682 ± 548 ± 5#38 ± 2#
Serum LDL-C (mg/dl)28 ± 7293 ± 8113 ± 11,##22 ± 2##
Serum HDL-C (mg/dl)42 ± 125 ± 443 ± 3##37 ± 2#
AC0.75 ± 0.329.62 ± 1.824.69 ± 0.57,##0.81 ± 0.10###
CRR1.75 ± 0.3210.62 ± 1.815.69 ± 0.57,##1.81 ± 0.10###
AIP0.01 ± 0.080.59 ± 0.150.30 ± 0.06,#0.02 ± 0.03##

Results are shown as mean ± SEM for 8–10 rats. , , and vs. C group; , , and vs. HC group. TC, total cholesterol; TG, triglyceride; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; AC, atherogenic coefficient; CRR, cardiac risk ratio; AIP, atherogenic index of plasma.