Research Article

Activated Macrophages of Monocytic Origin Predominantly Express Proinflammatory Cytokine Genes, Whereas Kupffer Cells Predominantly Express Anti-Inflammatory Cytokine Genes

Figure 6

Microsphere phagocytosis assay. (a) Phagocytosis of nonactivated (M0) Kupffer cells and macrophages of monocytic origin, phase contrast, scale bar, 50 μm; (b) graph representing phagocytosis assay of nonactivated macrophages; (c) graph representing phagocytosis assay of nonactivated and activated in either M1- or M2-direction for KCs, (d) graph representing phagocytosis assay of nonactivated and activated in either M1- or M2-direction for MNCs; horizontal axes represent time after the onset; vertical axes represent number of particles per cell; #: significant differences between nonactivated KCs and MNCs, p<0.05; : significant differences between macrophages under the influence of M1 inducers and nonactivated KCs and MNCs; : significant differences between macrophages under the influence of M2 inducers and nonactivated KCs and MNCs; KCs: Kupffer cells; MNCs: macrophages of monocytic lineage.