Research Article

Protective Effect of the MCP-1 Gene Haplotype against Schizophrenia

Table 2

Genotype distribution and allele frequencies of MCP-1 polymorphisms in healthy controls and patients with Schizophrenia.

GenotypeHealthy controls n = 200 (%)Patients n = 200 (%)OR (95% CI) valueAIC

MCP-1 -2518A/G (rs1024611)
  AA124 (62%)166 (83%)
  AG69 (34.5%)33 (16.5%)0.35 (0.22–0.57)0.000015
  GG7 (3.5%)1 (0.5%)0.10 (0.004–0.7)0.015536.4
  Dominant (AA vs AG + GG)0.33 (0.20–0.53)0.0000023536
  Recessive (AA + AG vs GG)0.13 (0.006–0.9)0.067553.4
  A317 (79.25%)365 (91.25%)
  G83 (20.75%)35 (8.75%)0.36 (0.23–0.55)0.000001
MCP-1 -362 G/C (rs2857656)
  GG67 (33.5%)46 (23%)
  GC92 (46%)88 (44%)1.3 (0.86–2.24)0.17
  CC41 (20.5%)66 (33%)2.33 (1.36–4.03)0.001552.4
  Dominant (GG vs GC + CC)1.68 (1.08–2.63)0.02554.8
  Recessive (GG + GC vs CC)1.9 (1.21–3.01)0.004552
  G226 (56.5%)180 (45%)
  C174 (43.5%)220 (55%)1.58 (1.2–2.09)0.001
MCP-1 int1del554-567 (rs3917887)
  Ins/Ins136 (68%)154 (77%)
  Ins/Del59 (29.5%)41 (20.5%)0.61 (0.38–0.97)0.03
  Del/Del5 (2.5%)5 (2.5%)0.88 (0.23–3.3)0.8553.1
  Dominant (Ins/Ins vs Ins/Del + Del/Del)0.63 (0.4–0.98)0.04551.4
  Recessive (Ins/Ins + Ins/Del vs Del/Del)1 (0.26–3.77)>0.99555.7
  Ins331 (82.75%)349 (87.25%)
  Del69 (17.25%)51 (12.75%)0.7 (0.47–1.03)0.075

OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval; HC: healthy controls; ; HWE: Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium; aChi-square value AIC (Akaike information criterion) provides a means for model selection.