Research Article

Role of TGF-Beta1/SMAD2/3 Pathway in Retinal Outer Deep Vascular Plexus and Photoreceptor Damage in Rat 50/10 Oxygen-Induced Retinopathy

Figure 6

Peripheral retinal vasculatures in the four groups. Flat-mount staining of isolectin-B4 in the peripheral region in OIR, OIR+LY364947, Normoxia, and Normoxia+LY364947 groups at D14. Compared with retina from the Normoxia and Normoxia+LY364947 groups, retinas from the OIR and OIR+LY364947 groups showed attenuated growth of the iDVP and oDVP. Compared with the Normoxia group, oDVP showed decreased density and intensity in the Normoxia+LY364947 group (scale bar=25μm).