Research Article

Curcumin Induces Neural Differentiation of Human Pluripotent Embryonal Carcinoma Cells through the Activation of Autophagy

Figure 5

Curcumin induced autophagy via the ROS-dependent manner. (a) The generation of ROS within NTERA2 cells was measured by DCF detection assay. The three independent experiments were performed, and the values were presented as mean ± SD, n=3 ( < 0.05 versus control). (b, c, d) The expression of antioxidant genes was assessed by semi- RT-PCR, and GAPDH was used as the internal control. Chloroquine was supplemented to verify the effect of autophagy on ROS generation during neural differentiation of NTERA2 cells. The values were presented as mean ± SD, n=3 ( < 0.05 versus control).