Research Article

Sulfatases, in Particular Sulf1, Are Important for the Integrity of the Glomerular Filtration Barrier in Zebrafish

Figure 6

Knockdown of the sulfatases induces severe edema in the majority of larvae and decreases survival of larvae at 96 hpf. Zebrafish embryos were injected in the yolk sac at the 1-2 cell stage with either a scrambled control (CTRL) or sulf1 MO, sulf2a MO, or sulf2b MO. Data shown as the percentage of zebrafish in each of the phenotypic categories according to edema severity (ranging from P1=no edema, to P4=very severe edema) and death. (a) In comparison with CTRL larvae, Vegfa 165 injected zebrafish show no difference in mortality and presence of edema. (b) larvae display a percentage of dead fish of 65% compared to 63% in Vegfa 165 coinjected larvae. The percentage of severe edema (P4) is reduced from 19% to 4% in the Vegfa 165 coinjected larvae. (c) zebrafish have a 37% fatality rate as opposed to a 26% rate of Vegfa 165 coinjected larvae. Furthermore, the percentage of severe edema (P4) is reduced from 22% in larvae to 12% in the Vegfa 165 coinjected fish. (d) In contrast to the and , larvae display a lower fatality rate with 32% in comparison to the Vegfa 165 coinjected larvae with 37%. However, the coinjection of Vegfa 165 reduces the amount of P4 and P3 zebrafish and leads to a normal phenotype (P1) in 15% while none of the fish display a normal phenotype.
