Clinical Study

The Effect of Cochlear Size on Cochlear Implantation Outcomes

Table 2

Hearing and insertion outcome measures for each group. PTA = pure tone average at 250Hz, 500Hz and 1000Hz, HINT = hearing in noise test, and CNC = consonant nucleus consonant. P-value obtained using the Mann-Whitney U test, with significant values indicated in italic. Numbers in brackets indicate standard deviations.

Flex 31Flex 28p-value

Preo op
PTA (dB)69 (13.2)72 (8.9)0.555
Best aided CNC quiet (%)12.3 (15.8)30.9 (16.1)0.0002
HINT sentence quiet (%)36 (24.9)45.2 (22.2)0.218
AZBIO sentence quiet (%)n/a33.3 (20.6)
6 months post op
Best aided CNC quiet (%)52.6 (22.8)59.7 (17.9)0.399
HINT sentence quiet (%)83.7 (21.8)n/a
AZBIO sentence quiet (%)n/a63.3 (19.99)
CNC score shift (%)40.7 (24.1)28.9 (17.4)0.055
Insertion outcomes
(1) Degrees of electrode insertion on plain X-ray489.4 degrees
525 degrees
(2) Number of channels inserted on plain X-ray (out of 12)10.85 (1.08)11.33 (0.73)0.12
between (1) and (2)(p<0.01)(p<0.01)