Research Article

A Rare Partner of TFE3 in the Xp11 Translocation Renal Cell Carcinoma: Clinicopathological Analyses and Detection of MED15-TFE3 Fusion

Figure 2

Pathological findings. (a) The tumor was well defined with a pseudocapsule invasion into the capsule locally, and cystic structures were visible in some areas (0.25×). (b) The capsule wall was lined with flattened tumor cells or fibrocystic wall (10×). (c) The tumor cells were arranged in a profile of solid and small nests (10×). (d) The cytoplasm was voluminous, flocculent eosinophilic, and vacuolated (40×). (e) Normal renal tubules were involved in the tumor focally (10×). (f) Psammoma bodies were observed in mesenchyme (10×).