Research Article

Lactobacillus iners Is Associated with Vaginal Dysbiosis in Healthy Pregnant Women: A Preliminary Study

Table 4

Correlation of the relative abundance of vaginal bacteria with vaginal cleanliness and leucocyte esterase.

Vaginal bacteriaVaginal cleanlinessLeucocyte esterase
1–2 (n = 63)3–4 (n = 20) valueNegative (n = 65)Positive (n = 18) value

Lactobacillus genus (%)55.00 (25.14)34.10 (27.18)0.00255.42 (23.86)30.13 (29.06)0.001
L. jensenii (%)10.68 (11.91)4.27 (8.67)0.07210.39 (11.84)4.61 (9.09)0.241
L. crispatus (%)0.30 (1.53)0.02 (0.22)0.8730.29 (1.51)0.03 (0.47)0.220
L. iners (%)6.18 (13.04)16.56 (16.49)<0.0016.18 (12.79)17.73 (17.15)<0.001
Atopobium vaginae (%)0.51 (2.46)1.09 (2.57)0.0440.49 (2.42)1.23 (2.67)0.004
Gardnerella vaginalis (%)0.05 (0.22)0.20 (0.43)0.1330.04 (0.22)0.23 (0.44)0.023
Eggerthella (%)0.00 (0.01)0.08 (0.84)0.1940.00 (0.01)0.09 (1.02)0.006
Leptotrichia/Sneathia (%)0.01 (0.11)0.04 (0.21)0.4960.00 (0.01)0.06 (0.41)0.032
Megasphaera type (%)0.07 (0.23)0.30 (0.75)0.6860.06 (0.43)0.36 (1.32)0.097
Prevotella (%)0.02 (0.18)0.36 (1.46)0.0040.01 (0.02)0.45 (1.36)0.002

All data are mean (standard deviation). The abundance of vaginal bacteria relative to total bacteria gene copy number according to vaginal cleanliness and leucocyte esterase was compared. aThe relative abundance of L. crispatus, L. jensenii, and L. iners was compared to the copy number of Lactobacillus genus.