Research Article

Immune Response of Piglets Receiving Mixture of Formic and Propionic Acid Alone or with Either Capric Acid or Bacillus Licheniformis after Escherichia coli Challenge

Table 4

Effect of organic acid or organic acid supplemented with either capric acid or Bacillus Licheniformis on tumor necrosis factor-α (pg/mL) concentration in plasma of pigs challenged with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli.

Time, hTreatmentsSEMP-value

0 HPC1160.9119.3159.5172.2139.212.70.727
9 HPC475.4213.7288.3306.2226.624.70.003
24 HPC297.3153.4239.8328.5259.126.20.267
48 HPC316.1163.2237.5202.1189.122.10.276
96 HPC250.9173.2165.0190.2191.217.80.672
168 HPC166.9127.9146.2139.0168.315.70.927

CON = basal diet; ATB = basal diet plus antibiotics; OA = basal diet plus 1% organic acid; OA + CRA = basal diet plus 1% organic acid + 0.2% capric; OA + PB = basal diet plus 1% organic acid + 0.02% probiotic (3.3×106 viable spores of Bacillus Licheniformis per gram of feed).
1 HPC: hours after challenge.
Within per treatment, values at different time points without a common superscript differ significantly at P < 0.05; within per time point, values with different treatments without a common superscript differ significantly at P < 0.05.