Research Article

Musculoskeletal Factors and Geriatric Syndromes Related to the Absence of Musculoskeletal Degenerative Disease in Elderly People Aged over 70 Years

Table 3

QOL (SF-36) in patients without (group N) and with (group D) MSD.

VariablesGroup NGroup D value

PF90.6 (12.3)82.2 (18.0)<0.001
RF86.1 (19.2)81.9 (23.0)NS
BP74.6 (24.8)70.0 (21.6)NS
GH66.1 (15.3)59.1 (19.0)<0.05
VT71.9 (18.1)67.2 (16.9)<0.05
SF93.1 (12.1)89.6 (16.7)NS
RE88.9 (17.9)84.8 (23.4)NS
MH80.5 (16.4)77.7 (16.0)NS
PCS48.6 (9.9)44.9 (12.5)<0.05
MCS54.9 (7.2)53.5 (7.7)NS

QOL: quality of life, PF: physical functioning, RP: role-physical, BP: bodily pain, GH: general health perception, VT: vitality, SF: social functioning, RE: role-emotional, MH: mental health, PCS: physical component summary, MCS: mental component summary, NS: not significant. Bold indicates significance.