Research Article

Knowledge of and Utilization of Emergency Contraceptive and Its Associated Factors among Women Seeking Induced Abortion in Public Hospitals, Eastern Tigray, Ethiopia, 2017: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 2

Knowledge of respondents about EC among women seeking induced abortion in public hospitals in eastern zone of Tigray regional state, Ethiopia, 2017.


Source of information
 Health workers7156.3
 Health extension workers1713.5
 Family members107.9

What do you do after unprotected sexual intercourse? (≥ one answer is possible)
 Terminate the pregnancy13436.3
 I do nothing7520.3
 Use EC pills7019
 I don’t know8523

Advantage of EC
 Prevent pregnancy17447.2
 Regular contraceptive184.9
 Prevent STIs154.0
 Terminates pregnancy195.1
 I don’t know14338.8

What is the time limit to take EC?
 At any time277.3
 Before sex102.7
 Within 24 hours after sex267
 Within 72 hours after sex7520.3
 Within 5 days after sex154.1
 I don’t know21658.5

Time interval between first dose and second dose
 12 hours7921.4
 24 hours267.1
 I don’t know26471.5

When do we use EC? (≥ one answer is possible)
 When raped11631.4
 When condom breaks11130.1
 When we miss pills226
 When there is no contraceptive3810.3
 I don’t know19953.9

The correct possible answer.