Research Article

Th1- and Th17-Related Cytokines in Venous and Arterial Blood of Sclerodermic Patients with and without Digital Ulcers

Table 1

Cytokine concentrations (pg/ml) in venous blood of patients affected by SSc and in healthy controls.

Patients median [CI 95%]Healthy controls median [CI 95%]

TNF-α2.07 [0.21–8.72]1.22 [0.87–1.75]0.008
IL-214.57 [3.52–18.42]6.33 [1.62–22.73]<0.001
IL-50.30 [0.05–10.76]0.08 [0.00–3.38]<0.001
IL-90.43 [0.11–11.89]0.90 [0.10–34.25]n.s.
IL-132.92 [0.42–76.85]2.00 [0.11–9.50]n.s.
GM-CSF140.96 [138.65–141.42]22.28 [20.72–22.56]<0.001
IL-238.84 [0.60–14.79]1.62 [1.58–1.72]<0.001
IL-1b0.18 [0.03–1.22]0.32 [0.20–0.97]<0.001
IL-63.82 [0.36–30.02]1.23 [0.12–4.68]0.011
IL-171.08 [0.41–1.65]0.54 [0.04–0.85]0.041
IL-2123.38 [3.73–38.33]3.60 [3.51–3.87]<0.001
IL-223.75 [0.68–6.48]1.95 [0.59–6.37]<0.001
ET-115.67 [3.41–48.68]5.42 [3.32–6.63]<0.001
TGF-β6.62 [5.03–26.24]4.45 [3.82–14.64]<0.001