Research Article

Histological Analysis of Bone Repair in Mandibular Body Osteotomy Using Internal Fixation System in Three Different Gaps without Bone Graft in an Animal Model

Figure 2

Bone repair of rabbit mandible (Oryctolagus cuniculus) after an osteotomy with 2 mm separation between the segments and an internal rigid fixation system 1.5. (a) Indirect consolidation of the mandible and formation of callus with endochondral ossification (HE). (b) Immature cancellous bone, fibrillar, shows abundant randomly distributed collagenous fibers (Van Gieson). (c) Mature cancellous bone, layered, shows more compact trabeculae whose fibers were organized concentrically to blood vessels (HE). (d) and (e) Areas with immature cancellous bone with greater cellularity and presence of type III collagen (green) and areas with mature cancellous bone with less cellularity and an increased presence of type I collagen (red and yellow) (Picrosirius red). (f) Peripheral fibrous reaction, without inflammatory elements in areas of contact with the screws (Van Gieson).
