Review Article

Optical Coherence Tomography of Animal Models of Retinitis Pigmentosa: From Animal Studies to Clinical Applications

Figure 8

Comparison of the SD-OCT, histological, and electron microscopic findings of RHO P23H rats (line 2). (a, e) SD-OCT images of RHO P23H rats on P46 (a) and P125 (e), respectively. (b, f) Histological findings (low magnification) of RHO P23H rats on P62 (b) and P169 (f), respectively. (c, g) Histological findings (high magnification) of the photoreceptor layers of RHO P23H rats on P62 (b) and P169 (f), respectively. (d, h) Electron microscopic findings of the photoreceptor inner and outer layers of RHO P23H rats on P62 (b) and P169 (f), respectively. Note the different appearance of photoreceptor degeneration between panels (d) and (h), in spite of similar findings on SD-OCT ((a) and (c)). Bars in (b) and (f) indicate 50 μm, those in (c) and (g) indicate 20 μm, and those in (d) and (h) indicate 10 μm. Black arrows indicate diffuse hyperreflective zones on SD-OCT images. A white arrow indicates disarrangement of the outer segment discs in a P23H rat on P62.