Research Article

Influence of Hypoxic Preservation Temperature on Endothelial Cells and Kidney Integrity

Figure 3

Effects of preservation temperature on endothelial cells phenotype: the influence of preservation at various temperatures was evaluated at the transcriptomic level by RTqPCR, measuring the expression of endothelial activation markers ICAM-1 (a), TLR4 (b), and MCP-1 (c). Results are expressed as fold-changes versus control cells (n = 3 per group). Endothelial activation was also evaluated by measuring the number of leukocytes adherent to the cell layer after 2 h reoxygenation with whole blood (d). Results are expressed in mean ± SEM of number of adherent leukocyte/culture well (n = 3 per group). Significant statistical data (p<0.05) were calculated using nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test + multiple comparison evaluation by Dunn’s posttest (§ p<0.05 to control cells, p<0.05 versus 4°C, † p<0.05 versus 19°C, £ p<0.05 versus 27°C, ‡ p<0.05 versus 37°C).
