Research Article

Influence of Hypoxic Preservation Temperature on Endothelial Cells and Kidney Integrity

Figure 6

Effect of ex vivo kidney preservation at 4°C, 19°C, or 32°C on tissue leukocyte infiltration. (a) Representative pictures of monocyte/macrophage infiltration and leukocyte infiltrates in the tissue after 24 h of storage at 4°C, 19°C, and 32°C (n = 3 per group). (b) Number of monocyte/macrophage cells (MAC387 positive staining) by field. (c) Number of infiltrates by field. (d) Score of tubulitis. Statistical significance (p<0.05) was calculated using nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test, corrected by multiple comparison Dunn’s posttest.