Review Article

Beneficial Role of Phytochemicals on Oxidative Stress and Age-Related Diseases

Table 1

Some of the plant metabolites possessing antioxidant and antitumor activities.

Secondary metabolitesCommon dietary sourcesReferences

PolyphenolsFruit, vegetables, coffee, tea, and cereals[5, 6]

AnthocyaninsStrawberries, black rice, berries, cherry etc. [7, 8]

FlavonesBlueberries, blood orange juice[9]

FlavonolsCherries, chokeberry, elderberries, Goji berry (wolfberry)[9]

ResveratrolPurple wine, peanuts[10, 11]

TheaflavinsBlack tea[8, 12]

CarotenoidsCarrots, tomatoes, pumpkins, peppers, among others[6, 13]

LycopeneTomatoes, watermelon, red peppers, papaya, apricot, pink grapefruit[14, 15]