Research Article

Identification of Key Transcription Factors AP-1 and AP-1-Dependent miRNAs Forming a Co-Regulatory Network Controlling PTEN in Liver Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury

Figure 1

Identified DEGs in GSE10657 dataset and gene function enrichment analysis between different comparisons. (a) Hierarchical clustering heatmap of DEGs between Ish_30 min vs. Sham. (b) Heatmap of Ish_90 min_rpf vs. Ish_90 min. (c) Heatmap of Ish_90 min_rpf vs. Sham. Orange represents that the expression of genes is relatively up-regulated and blue represents that the expression of genes is relatively down-regulated. (d) The top 10 enrichment scores in KEGG pathway and gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis. The horizontal axis shows the gene-ratio of the selected genes and the vertical axis represents the enriched terms. The bigger the plots are, the more genes are enriched in this term.