Research Article

Knowledge, Preference, and Willingness to Pay for Hepatitis B Vaccination Services among Woman of Reproductive Age in Vietnam

Table 5

Factor associated with willingness to inject and communicate about Hepatitis B vaccination.

Willingness to have Hepatitis B Wanting to communicate about
vaccines injectedvaccines
OR95% CIOR95% CI

Pregnant / Having a baby under 1 year of age (Vs. Yes)1.94(1.11 - 3.38)2.07(0.96 - 4.48)
Health facilities where having the antenatal examination
Central hospital (No vs. Yes)3.21(1.99 - 5.18)2.39(1.30 - 4.40)
Private/International hospital (No vs. Yes)1.47(0.94 - 2.31)2.30(1.30 - 4.09)
Current health status (Ref - Very good)
Good1.50(0.98 - 2.30)0.39(0.22 - 0.72)
Week5.36(0.60 - 48.00)
Suffered from disease during pregnancy (No vs. Yes)3.41(1.73 - 6.70)
Occupations (Ref - Homemaker)
Farmer/ Worker2.63(1.47 - 4.73)
Public servants1.45(0.89 - 2.34)0.26(0.13 - 0.55)
Others0.48(0.22 - 1.03)
The number of children of respondent0.68(0.52 - 0.91)0.55(0.39 - 0.79)
Constant0.33(0.12 - 0.93)19.09(5.73 - 63.56)

<0.01, <0.05, <0.1