Research Article

Ramosetron Does Not Reduce the Analgesic Efficacy of Tramadol after Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery

Table 1

Patients’ characteristics and anesthesia data.

 Ramosetron (n=49)Control (n=51)P value
N (%) or median (min-max)

Age (years)47 (23-60)46 (24-64)0.893
Weight (Kg)55 (45-70)57 (46-101)0.324
Duration of surgery (min)95 (30-220)105 (30-380)0.541
Duration of anesthesia (min)130 (60-285)145 (65-420)0.638
Amount of infused remifentanil496.5 (206-1334)527 (161-2088)0.526
Amount of infused propofol945 (190-2800)1160 (481-3515)0.169
PONV scores 1h postoperatively044 (89.8)48 (94.1)0.713
14 (8.2)2 (3.9)
21 (2.0)1 (2.0)
PONV scores 24h postoperatively027 (55.1)23 (45.1)0.542
17 (14.3)7 (13.7)
211 (22.4)18 (35.3)
34 (8.2)3 (5.9)
ASAStatus I40 (81.6)32 (62.7)0.036
Status II9 (18.4)19 (37.3)
Satisfactiondissatisfied1 (2.0)2 (4.0)0.881
(missing =1)neutral13 (26.5)12 (24.0)
satisfied24 (49.0)27 (54.0)
 very satisfied11 (22.5)9 (18.0) 

C: Chi square test, F: Fisher’s exact test, W: Wilcoxon rank sum test, PONV: postoperative nausea and vomiting, satisfaction for the overall analgesic technique.