Research Article

Calcium Dyshomeostasis Alters CCL5 Signaling in Differentiated PC12 Cells

Figure 5

Analysis of PLC/IP3R signaling pathway in PC12 cell lines. Analysis of PLC/IP3R pathway was performed in parallel wells with (red lines) or without (black lines) presence of specific inhibitors included just before measurements. 50 ng/ml CCL5 was always applied after 150 s (black arrow). The calcium transients were assayed in the presence of (a) PLC inhibitor, 4μM U73122, and (b) IP3Rs inhibitor, 100 μM 2-APB. All measurements were done in duplicate and the presented traces are average from 5 independent cell cultures (n=10). C: control line, _2: PMCA2-reduced line, _3: PMCA3-reduced line.