Research Article

Virulence-Associated Genes and Antimicrobial Resistance of Aeromonas hydrophila Isolates from Animal, Food, and Human Sources in Brazil

Table 2

Number of Aeromonas hydrophila isolates with 4 to 5 virulence genes by source and origin.

Virulence profileNo. isolatesSourceOrigin ()

act, aerA, alt, exu, hlyA4AN
A. gazella (1)
Fecal swab (1)
Feces (2)
act, aerA, alt, exu1FOGallus gallus
act, aerA, alt, hlyA1ANM. novaeangliae
act, aerA, exu, hlyA11AN
P. blainvillei (2)
S. coeruleoalba (7)
L. atricilla (1)
Fecal swab (1)

FO: food; AN: animal; HU: human. act: cytotoxic enterotoxin; aerA: aerolysin; alt: heat-labile cytotonic enterotoxin; exu: DNase-nuclease; hlyA: hemolysin.