Research Article

The Effect of Strontium Ranelate on Fracture Healing: An Animal Study

Table 1

Comparison of histopathological results between groups receiving StR and controls at 2 and 4 weeks after study initiation.

Control 2 wControl 4 wStR 2 wStR 4 w

Callus diameter (mm)$##<0.0001
Total callus area (mm2)$<0.0001
% cartilage0.007
% fibrous tissue$$##<0.0001
% osseous tissue$##<0.0001
% new trabecular bone73.00 ± 13.37#$0.004
Total osteoclast number0.502
Osteoclast number/mm2#$0.041
Osteoblast number/HPF$#0.005
Total vessel number$0.001

We used the two-way ANOVA model without repeated measurements, with factors the “intervention” (control vs. drug) and “time” (2 weeks vs. 4 weeks). Multiple comparisons were performed using the Bonferroni test. Abbreviations: HPF: high-power field. vs. control 2 weeks and vs. control 2 w. $ vs. control 4 weeks and $$ vs. control 4 w. # vs. StR 2 weeks and ## vs. StR 2 w.