Research Article

Association of Hyperhomocysteinemia with Increased Coronary Microcirculatory Resistance and Poor Short-Term Prognosis of Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction after Elective Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

Table 2

Comparison of coronary angiographic characteristics and IMR between the two groups.

HHcy (n = 53)Control (n = 48)X2 (t)

Culprit vessel number131 (58.5%)23 (47.9%)0.2871.132
218 (34.0%)21 (43.8%)0.3131.018
34 (7.5%)4 (8.3%)0.8840.021
TIMI flow grade0001
23 (5.7%)2 (4.2%)0.7300.119
350 (94.3%)46 (95.8%)0.7300. 119
Culprit vesselLMCA1 (1.9%)0 (0%)0.3390.915
LAD37 (67.9%)32 (64.6%)0.7340.115
Circumflex6 (11.3%)5 (10.4%)0.8840.021
RCA9 (17.0%)11 (22.9%)0.4550.559
Side branch25 (47.2%)29 (60.4%)0.1831.777
IMR38.28 ± 8.0527.13 ± 4.830.0008.336

HHcy: high homocysteine; TIMI: thrombolysis in myocardial infarction; LMCA: left main coronary artery; LAD: left anterior descending artery; RCA: right coronary artery; IMR: index of microvascular resistance.