Research Article

Association of Hyperhomocysteinemia with Increased Coronary Microcirculatory Resistance and Poor Short-Term Prognosis of Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction after Elective Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

Table 4

Determination of risk factors for MACE at three months after PCI.

Univariate regression analysisLogistic regression analysis
MACE (n = 16)None-MACE (n = 95)X2 (t)BrOR

Age57.5 ± 9.652.0 ± 10.80.9960.0410.7690.2972.6520.031
Male10 (62.5%)48 (50.5%)0.7870.375
Smoker7 (43.8%)34 (35.8%)0.3730.542
Hypertension8 (50.0%)32 (33.7%)1.3140.252
Diabetes mellitus5 (31.3%)30 (31.6%)0.0010.979
Dyslipidemia7 (43.8%)39 (41.1%)0.0410.839
BMI ≥24 kg/m29 (56.3%)51 (53.7%)0.0360.849
CKD1 (6.3%)10 (10.5%)0.2800.596
Previous PCI8 (50.0%)27 (28.4%)2.9540.086
Calcium-blocker8 (50.0%)36 (37.9%)0.8390.360
Beta-blocker10 (62.5%)63 (66.3%)0.0890.766
ACEI/ARB10 (62.5%)51 (53.7%)0.4300.512
Nitrates11 (68.8%)51 (53.7%)1.2610.262
Statins15 (93.8%)94 (98.9%)2.0910.148
EF42.9 ± 5.052.5 ± 6.55.63<0.010.9860.3894.9860.022
Hcy15.32 ± 4.939.70 ± 3.96−5.004<0.010.8050.3243.7410.029

MACE: major adverse cardiovascular events. BMI: body mass index; CKD: chronic kidney diseases; PCI: percutaneous coronary intervention; ACEI: angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB: angiotensin receptor blocker; EF: ejection fraction; Hcy: homocysteine.