Research Article

High Expression of UBB, RAC1, and ITGB1 Predicts Worse Prognosis among Nonsmoking Patients with Lung Adenocarcinoma through Bioinformatics Analysis

Figure 4

The BP, KEGG pathway analysis, and heat map of hub genes. The BP analysis of hub genes is visualized using the ClueGO plug-in (a). KEGG pathway analysis of hub genes is visualized using the ClueGO plug-in (b). The color depth of nodes refers to the corrected value of ontologies, and the size of nodes refers to the number of genes that participate in the ontologies. is considered statistically significant. Heat map of hub genes is created on the basis of data from TCGA and visualized using pheatmap package (c). Upregulated genes are marked in red and downregulated genes in green. BP: biological process; KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathway; TCGA: The Cancer Genome Atlas.