Research Article

[Retracted] HO-1/PINK1 Regulated Mitochondrial Fusion/Fission to Inhibit Pyroptosis and Attenuate Septic Acute Kidney Injury

Figure 5

HO-1/PINK1-regulated mitochondrial dynamics. (a) Representative immunoblot analysis of (A) Mfn1, (B) Mfn2, (C) OPA1, (D) Drp1, and (E) Fis1 from kidney tissues. (b) Real-time PCR shows the relative expression of (A) Mfn1 mRNA, (B) Mfn2 mRNA, (C) OPA1 mRNA, (D) Drp1 mRNA, and (E) Fis1 mRNA from kidney tissues. Data are expressed as , . versus the WT control group, # versus the WT LPS group. PINK1KO: PTEN-induced putative kinase 1 knockout; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; Znpp: zinc protoporphyrin IX; Mfn1: mitofusin 1; Mfn2: mitofusin 2; OPA1: optic atrophy 1; Drp1: dynamin-related protein 1; Fis1: mitochondrial fission 1.