Research Article

Respiratory Muscle Training Improves Functional Outcomes and Reduces Fatigue in Patients with Myasthenia Gravis: A Single-Center Hospital-Based Prospective Study

Table 2

Changes of pulmonary function after RMT.

RMT group ()Disease control group ()
BaselineFollow-up valueBaselineFollow-up value

Cardiovascular autonomic function
 Valsalva ratio0.640.79
 LF/HF ratio0.640.63
Pulmonary function parameters
 FVC (%)0.030.62
 FEV1 (%)0.0020.52
 6-minute walking distance (meter)0.0030.39

HR_DB: heart rate response to deep breathing; BRS_VM: baroreflex sensitivity obtained by Valsalva maneuver; BRS_seq: baroreflex sensitivity obtained by the sequence method; LF: low frequency; HF: high frequency; FVC: forced vital capacity; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in one second; MIP: maximum inspiratory pressures; MEP: maximum expiratory pressures; RMT: respiratory muscle training. Significant difference () between follow-up and baseline.