Research Article

The Impact of Bioactive Surfaces in the Early Stages of Osseointegration: An In Vitro Comparative Study Evaluating the HAnano® and SLActive® Super Hydrophilic Surfaces

Figure 1

Morphological changes and cell adhesion and viability. Electron micrographs of preosteoblast adhered to the surface of dental implants ((a) ). Semiconfluent cultures of preosteoblasts were challenged with implant-conditioned medium, and cellular viability was assessed by MTT reduction after 3, 24, and 72 hours (b). Cell adhesion was assessed after trypsinization followed by reseeding of cells with conditioned medium by dental implants and assessed by violet crystal staining after 24 h (c). The cytotoxicity and adhesion data were expressed as percentage of the control group (100%) and represented as of three independent experiments run in sextuplicate. when compared to Ctrl.